Family Therapy
Whether you want help for your teen or to connect more deeply as a family, schedule a free 20 min. consultation and we’ll see if I can help.
Love after baby
Even the strongest relationships are strained during the transition to parenthood. Lack of sleep, never-ending housework and new worries about money can lead to more stress and less marital satisfaction — all of which affect baby’s care. 69% of new parents experience increased conflict, disappointment, and hurt feelings.
Teen brains are designed to identify Mom and Dad’s place in the world and go a different direction. Throw in other family stressors and it can all become too overwhelming. We can work together for a closely connected family while still promoting healthy identity development in your teens.
Adulting, Singleness, and Dating
Why do you think what you think? Why do you feel what you feel? There are reasons why you do what you do in life and relationship. So much of it comes from our childhoods and the families we grew up in. When we identify what you need from what you’ve missed we can set you up for ongoing healing and growth.